Dr. BioBeth Renwick
Company majority owner and medical doctor, Beth splits her time between working in the E.R and on strategic planning for GEB.
BioJoe Renwick
Head Honcho
Company founder, Bio Joe has dedicated the past 15 years to researching and perfecting biofuel production.
Erika Coman
Organizational Change Manager
Andrew Renaud
Accounting Manager
Jeffrey Benton
Operations & Sales Manager
GEB Locations

Justin Harris
Collections Managers (Winnsboro)

Cal McClintic
Facility Manager (Knoxville)

Plant Manager
Plant Manager (Aiken)
Matt Renwick
Facility Manager (ReSoil)
GEB Sales Team
Adam Padget
Industrial & Restaurant Sales
Taylor Strickland
Industrial Sales & Marketing

Cal McClintic
Restaurant Sales

Freddie Reynders
Restaurant Service Sales