Grease Trap Cleaning

Reasons You Must Do a Regular Grease Trap Cleaning

The grease trap protects household plumbing from the grease and solids dispensed in kitchen wastewater. Keeping grease traps clean is crucial for a well-functioning kitchen, but paying attention to them can cause severe problems. You may even be required by the state, county, or city regulations if you own or operate a restaurant or business…

7 Signs That It’s Time to Schedule Restaurant Grease Trap Cleaning

An unclean grease trap inside a restaurant could cause many problems since it can lead to many issues and could even land your company in problems at the health department. If your restaurant is shut down through the health department, it can be difficult to convince customers to return.  This is why it’s essential to…

The Complete Guide to Grease Traps for Your Commercial Kitchen

Cooking generates a great deal of dirt and waste, especially liquid waste. In addition to being gross, unchecked waste accumulation can result in serious and expensive problems if not dealt with. In addition, it can clog the sewer systems in the neighborhood and create problems at local water treatment facilities. So pouring FOG down the…

Why Should You Hire Professionals to Clean Your Grease Traps?

Grease traps are essential components of restaurant sewer systems that protect the environment and sewage infrastructure from damage and failure from cooking grease waste. Grease causes havoc in drains, individual business sewer lines, and the larger sewer system by causing blockages as it cools and solidifies within the plumbing. This results in an impassable blockage…