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1 Year Anniversary of Depackaging

After a full year of successful operation, our distinctive depackaging equipment has enabled Green Energy Biofuel and ReSoil Compost to provide customers with an even wider array of zero-landfill options, promoting environmental consciousness and cost savings. The U.S. EPA’s Food Recovery Hierarchy emphasizes that landfilling food waste should be the last resort, following source reduction,…

Reasons You Must Do a Regular Grease Trap Cleaning

The grease trap protects household plumbing from the grease and solids dispensed in kitchen wastewater. Keeping grease traps clean is crucial for a well-functioning kitchen, but paying attention to them can cause severe problems. You may even be required by the state, county, or city regulations if you own or operate a restaurant or business…

Checklist for Maintaining Grease Traps in Restaurants from Cooking Oil

Maintaining your restaurant’s cleanliness, safety, and smooth operation is one of your top priorities. A business requires a lot of hard work to maintain, including customer relations, staff management, inventory control, and everything else. However, a poorly maintained grease trap can sabotage a business’ growth or cause it to go out of business if it’s…

Bio4Edu Interns Spring 2020, Part 3

Bottling Process Team University of South Carolina, Eric Thorton, Curtis Braun, Robert Hansen, and Lucas Dull When BioJoe decided to start making Tiki Fuel out of his bio-diesel he purchased a bottle filling machine, bottle capper, pallet wrapper, and various other accessories and reached out to the University of South Carolina to get a team…

National Culinary Arts Month, Part V

National Culinary Arts Month in July recognizes the professional cooks and chefs who bring innovative, and unique cuisine from their kitchens to our tables. Green Energy Biofuel will talk with some of our great chefs to bring attention to their unique styles and environmental focus. By Stephan Caldwell, 07/30/2020 Simple Twist, Cleveland NC Chef Nathan…

National Culinary Arts Month, Part IV

National Culinary Arts Month in July recognizes the professional cooks and chefs who bring innovative, and unique cuisine from their kitchens to our tables. Green Energy Biofuel will talk with some of our great chefs to bring attention to their unique styles and environmental focus. By Taylor Strickland, 07/23/2020 BurgerRito, Knoxville TN BurgerRito, created by…

National Culinary Arts Month, Part III

National Culinary Arts Month in July recognizes the professional cooks and chefs who bring innovative, and unique cuisine from their kitchens to our tables. Green Energy Biofuel will talk with some of our great chefs to bring attention to their unique styles and environmental focus. By Stephan Caldwell, 07/16/2020 Second Harvest Food Bank, Winston-Salem NC…

National Culinary Arts Month, Part II

National Culinary Arts Month in July recognizes the professional cooks and chefs who bring innovative, and unique cuisine from their kitchens to our tables. Green Energy Biofuel will talk with some of our great chefs to bring attention to their unique styles and environmental focus. By Taylor Strickland, 07/07/2020 Manuel’s Bread Café, North Augusta SC…

National Culinary Arts Month, Part I

National Culinary Arts Month in July recognizes the professional cooks and chefs who bring innovative, and unique cuisine from their kitchens to our tables. Green Energy Biofuel will talk with some of our great chefs to bring attention to their unique styles and environmental focus. By Taylor Strickland, 07/02/2020 Noble Jones Augusta, GA Noble Jones…

Bio4Edu Interns Spring 2020, Part 2

Wastewater Treatment Team  University of South Carolina Aiken, Andrew Hutto, Bradley Jones, Savannah Lawson, and Michael Wilson  Currently, Green Energy Biofuel plant in Aiken is not able to process the wastewater from their plant enough to be able to safely release it into the local sewer system.  The plant sends its wastewater to the wastewater…

Bio4Edu Interns Spring 2020, Part 1

Marketing Team  University of South Carolina, Georgia Mayes, Nichole Jacildone, and Kiersten Chiles With Green Energy Biofuel growing as a company, so is the need for continuous changes and updates to programs and events that are offered. The Spring 2020 social media team consisted of three students from the University of South Carolina who combined…

Changes in Service Scheduling

Dear Valued Customer, As the Covid-19 situation is evolving, we would like to update you with the latest information on Green Energy Biofuel’s plans and activities to manage this situation. Our highest priorities are to protect our employees, their families, and continue to serve our customers. We remain dedicated to serving you every day with…

Covid-19 Prevention Action Plan

March 17, 2020 Dear Valued Customer, As the Covid-19 situation is evolving, we would like to update you with the latest information on Green Energy Biofuel’s plans and activities to manage this situation. Our highest priorities are to protect our employees, their families, and continue to serve our customers. We remain dedicated to serving you…

Biodiesel basics & benefits

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By Zack Johnson – GEB Public Relations Coordinator Bio Joe Renwick’s diesel truck that fueled his dream. With petroleum supplies shrinking and climate change concerns growing, Green Energy Biofuel would like to provide you with the facts about a perfect solution for these issues. Biodiesel, a domestically produced and renewable fuel, is both a practical…

GEB Cooking Oil Tips!

           In most grocery stores, there is an overwhelmingly large selection of cooking oils to choose from. There is also an equally large number of misconceptions about the health benefits and safety of cooking with oils. As a cooking oil collection company, Green Energy Biofuel would like to provide you with…

Biomass Awards Ceremony Held at GEB3

Bio Joe speaks to the ceremony attendees about GEB’s history Earlier this fall, the South Carolina Biomass Council announced that Green Energy Biofuel was the recipient of their 2018 Biomass Project of the Year Award. Green Energy Biofuel was selected for this prestigious award in recognition of our new plant “GEB3” in Aiken County, SC. Today,…

A salute to Veterans with GEB

     For Green Energy Biofuel and company owners, Beth and Joe Renwick, Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day have a special place in our hearts. In honor of Veteran’s Day, we wanted to pay tribute and publicly thank those who have given service to our country in the armed forces of the United States.  …

Good Turkeys Go Green, a Thanksgiving PSA!

Its that time of year again! Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate with delicious food! As you cook those tasty turkeys, it is important to remember that with those fantastic feasts comes a costly dilemma: what to do with all that grease?! Image above shows a pipe clogged by grease! Remember how your Mom always…